In my window

Other than my bed, there is probably one place where I have spent more time than any other single place in the past 13 months.  My very favorite spot in Shanghai, my favorite spot in my apartment, is sitting on the wide window sill of my bedroom window.  Made comfortable with blankets and pillows from Ikea, the small desk with my laptop next to me, or sitting with my laptop on my lap.  On the 28th floor, looking at the Shanghai skyline, lit up in gorgeous colors on clear nights, looking down the river to Nanpu Bridge, or sometimes just looking at smog.  I could check to see when people were walking up towards my apartment if I gave them directions from the subway stop, I can look down and see if my fruit guy is selling fruit from the back of his van.

The apartment gate, my fruit guy and a man selling DVD's, my typical view

I watched lightening storms here, I spent hours on skype with family and friends here, I wrote almost all of my blogs sitting here, I watched fireworks on Chinese New Year here, I watched giant snowflakes floating through the air here, I watched the progress of the (soon to be) second tallest building in the world being built here. I cried here, I watched movies and TV on my laptop here, I read here, I drank my morning coffee and ate dinner here.  It is my little spot. I love my little spot.

Snowing in Shanghai, watching giant snowflakes from my window

Today, I sit in my little spot for the last time.  I look out over the Shanghai on a cloudy day for the last time.  I close my eyes and envision the lights for the last time.  I look down and see my fruit guy for the last time.  I see taxis, buses, cars, bikes, scooters and people on the main road just half a block away for the last time.  Today I’m leaving my apartment, my wonderful roommate, and my sweet kitten.

My last day view...

In 45 minutes, I have to be at work.  When I come home I’m grabbing my stuff and heading to a friends house.  I will be bouncing from house to house for the next 19 days until I leave China. I’m moving back to the States, my Life in China is, for now at least, coming to an end.

Cloudy and smoggy, but always pretty...

When I think back, I have many memories, may adventures, many stories.  But honestly, it is this spot right here, sitting in my window, looking out over the 26 million people in my city of Shanghai, where I spent so much of my time.  It is such a perfect spot.  I will miss it.

My spot

6 responses to “In my window

  • leah

    I am soooo happy you are coming home. But this blog made me cry. As much as I miss you, I know you are going to miss “your city.” Love you sis!!

  • Will

    That does look like a hard spot to leave behind, and I’m sure the transition back to this part of the world will take some time. I look forward to hearing about your next adventure, wherever that may be. Give us a call if you want to talk to people who are quite familiar with reverse culture shock. We’ll grab a cup of coffee or something (good coffee helps the transition 😉

  • Jodi

    Having shared your spot with you, I know how special it is, Julia. Even though I was only there in Shanghai a week, that was definitely the most special place. (Boxing Cat a close second!). But reading your comments here brought tears to my eyes, too. Transitions are hard. Leaving a place you love is hard. Letting go is hard. Even when you know you’re going to something else good. (Even when you have no idea what that might be!). I, too, will miss the view even when Skyping you.

    Thank you so much for sharing your window.

  • Julia

    Thanks everyone for the wonderful and sweet comments! It is going to be a tough transition, they always are.

    Mom- The chance to share my spot with you was a dream come true and really a huge blessing! It meant the world to me that you and Matt were able to experience a bit of my life in China and I’m glad you enjoyed TWO of my favorite spots as much as I do! (The window and Boxing Cat)

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